A quick intro.

You did it. You actually did it. The email confirmations, the order confirmations to set up shop, the cold sweats and anxiety dreams all prove it. A dream that’s been gestating for decades has finally come to fruition. You (coupled with some great therapy and a functional medicinal cocktail) have gotten you over the first hump.

Okay, so why didn’t anyone tell me that it looked like this on this side? There’s more anxiety! I dont remember subscribing to this newsletter. How do I opt out?

Let me back up some. Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is- wait, those aren’t my bars. My name is Kazi. I make things. I make things for others. It’s my happy place. I have two daughters, called Zonia and Tink here, with whom I love to spend time and craft. Re-experiencing life through their eyes has proved to be one of the biggest points of inspiration for my creativity. Quite literally without them, there is no Z+t.

Along with creating, my parenting and activism are paramount to who I am. If Blackity Black words aren’t your thing, this may not be the place for you. I call my parenting revolutionary. Not in an “I know what I’m doing and you don’t” kinda way. I have no idea what I’m doing from minute to minute. It’s to say that the way one parents shapes the child. This shouldn’t be provocative, but it’s often forgotten and overlooked because of ego. But I digress. I’ll write about it and my experiences and mistakes raising these two little Black girls and the journey it has been along the way.

In between cooking, cleaning (ha!), helping with homework, snuggles, getting ready for grad school part II, and all things kidcentric, I make things. I’m still building up inventory, but you’ll notice that my products highlighted will behave as a mood ring. Every craft I make is my most favorite thing I’ve ever done… until I do the next one. Now you’ll get to get a little peak into that corner of my brain. Giving Alice in Wonderland energy with a glue gun.

I think that’s a scattered enough introduction to me for now. Take off your coat and stay a while. We get good and cozy ‘round here.